Lenders are a dime a dozen. Making a Lender selection can be a bit daunting. You want someone who will understand your needs as a buyer and present you with the best loan product. Being able to sit in front of someone and have face-to-face contact is a huge advantage. It’s hard to con someone […]
Category Archives: Home Buyer Tips
Does this silent intruder lurk in your home?
Often talked about but not acted on is the odor-free potentially hazardous, invisible Radon gas. This cancer-causing radioactive harmful gas is often discovered during home inspections and a surprised to both seller and buyer. Radon seeps into your home through floor cracks, construction joints, wall cracks, suspended floor gaps, openings around water pipes, cavities inside […]
Discount your premiums with these tips
A-Tisket, A-Tasket, put money in your basket
Are you an empty nester?
Current statistics put about 12.5 percent of the population over the age of 65. With a good amount of these “empty nesters” they might not need all the space of a larger home. Making a case for downsizing to a smaller home. With downsizing, you are saving money and maybe clearing out life’s unnecessary clutter. […]
How enticing is zero percent interest?
As consumers, we are always looking for the latest deal. We are often lured by the zero percent financing gimmicks thrown out there by car salesman and retail stores. At zero percent, it doesn’t cost you anything to use their money. But mortgage rates do not offer zero percent. With the average 30-year mortgage rate […]
Looking forward to tax season?
Good Neighbors Don’t Come Easy
Year-end To-Do’s
Most homeowners pay an increased monthly mortgage payment because they are adding money into their escrow accounts. By doing this, you expect that your lender will pay them on time, in the year they are due. Once paid, you can then deduct them from your taxes. The IRS stipulates that deductions can only be taken […]