When you need an inventory of your personal belongings in your home it is usually too late. You can try and create one from memory, but you will forget something important and it will cost you money on an insurance claim. Your homeowner’s policy might give you a blanket amount of coverage for personal items […]
All posts by Thierry Roche
Standard or Itemized Deductions
In 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act increased the standard deduction for married couples to $24,000. In some instances, homeowners may be better off using the standard deduction than itemizing on their return. Previously, homeowners could get a better benefit with itemizing but there is now a $10,000 limit of state and local taxes […]
Get Rid of FHA Mortgage Insurance
When we shop for home loans, we often gravitate toward the ones the require less down payment or are more lenient with credit scores. Often that can turn out to be an FHA loan. Then you get stuck with mortgage insurance premiums. On a $265,000 FHA mortgage that can add $200 extra to your monthly […]
Year End Tax Newsletter
Roll the Repairs into the Mortgage
You Can Be Mortgage Free
Distressed Sale Waiting Period
Wait More Pay More
Outlook 2018 Good
Historical Perspective
Back in 1968, mortgage rates were 8.5 percent. Then the following year, rates dropped to 7 percent. Homebuyers were able to buy a 15 to 20 percent larger home with the same payment if they could get their mortgage assumed. Back then FHA and VA mortgages were very popular for certain price ranges and these […]