If you’re going to be putting your home up for sale, it’s important to plan it all out ahead of time. Know who’s going to sell it for you, make sure your house is prepared to sell and always make sure your home is clean and picked up nicely when people are coming to look at it.
When potential buyers come to look at your house, it isn’t uncommon for them to expect an empty house. When showing a house, a realtor always suggests you’re not there and that they do the walk through. Why is that?
It makes them uncomfortable: When a potential buy comes to look at your home, they want to take their time and be able to tell the realtor why they like it and why they don’t. Your home may have sentimental value to you and you may be offended on why they tell you they don’t like certain things. A realtor on the other hand, has no attachment and can help them by knowing what they like and don’t for the other houses they show.
It allows you to judge the buyer: If for some reason you don’t like the vibe you get from the potential buyers, it may allow you to judge and create a conflict.
Realtors are the pros: realtors show and sell houses for a living. They are the pros and should be the ones doing the walk through.
So, if you’re about to have an open house, you just may want to opt out on walking people through your home.