I know you’ve heard of the phrase “which came first, the chicken or the egg?”. It kind of makes you think of what happens when you consider selling your home. Which should you do first – purchase your new home, or sell your current abode? What’s the better option? Some don’t have a choice – […]
Category Archives: Buy a House
Should You Rent Out Your Current Home Instead Of Sell?
We’re just going to start this off with an assumption. Let’s assume that you have owned your home for several years. Because you’ve had it for so long, it’s increased in value, not to mention the unpaid balance is considerably less than you originally borrowed. To put all that into easier terms – you have equity […]
Homeownership – The Facts
Sad Stories Really Do Say So Much
Just about any real estate agent will tell you a quite similar sad story. One that pretty much goes like the following: The seller’s home just hit the market, they received an offer which was less than the list price, and then felt secure enough to counter for a higher amount. For whatever reason, the […]
Make your Offer Successful in a Low Inventory Market
In our current market, there are at least 40 percent fewer homes on the market than a year ago. Buyers who are serious have probably already experienced the disappointment of losing a home due to increased competition. Today, buyers are looking for ways to improve their chances of having the best contract without using the […]
Consider This Before You Pay Cash for a Home
Consider, before paying cash for a home, if at some time in the future you would want to add a mortgage on the home and want to deduct that mortgage interest on your federal tax return. The current federal tax law allows homeowners to deduct the interest on up to $750,000 in acquisition debt that […]
Skip the Starter Home Step
There has been this stigma about new families or first-time home buyers getting their first “starter” home. For generations, people have looked for that home as a jump into homeownership. Logic suggests that starting with a smaller home, you can learn how to take care of it, learn what it costs to maintain a home, […]
Make Your Best Offer FIRST
The strategy we are talking about today is not about negotiating the best price but rather about beating your competition and buying the home. The reality is there is just not enough homes on the market and when competition gets tough different tactics are necessary. This may not dawn on you until you lose a […]
Accelerate Your Home Buying Process with these At Home Activities
Take the Standard Deduction and the Home
As you prepare to file your 2019 taxes, it is important to note that the standard deduction for 2019 was raised to $12,200 for single taxpayers and $24,400 for married filing jointly. Married filing separately pays the same as single. As you work through your taxes, whether by professional or by tax program on your […]